Take your business to the top of Linkedin

the only tool to follow influencers and automate your monitoring LinkedIn

for agencies, advertisers and influencers

Discover the only mentions tracking tool on Linkedin.

Receive a free alert when a linkedin post contains a keyword your brand your competitor

A Chrome plugin for:

do not miss your market opportunities, employment, monitoring, etc ...

react quickly when we talk about you

follow your competitors

Need to propel your offer by B to B influencers? Check out the stats of over 500,000 LinkedIn influencers

Discover their statistics and evaluate the price of their posts

Analyze a LinkedIn profile for free

Statistics samples

Linkalyze is for

The influencers

The Advertisers

Agencies & platforms


Know your audience to prove your worthiness

  • See how engaged is your audience and what are they interested in

  • Show prospective clients that your audience is organic and engaged

  • Get more collaborations with top brands

They talk about us


Our services for businesses

API Technology

Agencies and platforms: take advantage of our API (stats and searching) to integrate the stats of Linkedin influencers into your tools

Learn more

B to B Influence Campaign

Advertisers: do you want to launch your B to B influencer campaign? Trust the expertise and technology from Influence4You

Discover Influence4You